When do you need a Italian VAT number?
Importing goods into Italy: If you import goods into Italy from non-EU countries, you need an Italian VAT number to comply with customs and VAT regulations.
Hosting live events, workshops, or similar gatherings: If you organize events or workshops in Italy and charge attendees for participation, you generally need an Italian VAT number to account for and collect VAT on the ticket sales.
Providing goods manufactured in Italy to non-taxable entities or unregistered businesses: If you sell goods produced in Italy to entities or businesses that are not registered for VAT, you need an Italian VAT number to account for the transaction and charge VAT.
Trading goods between Italy and other EU countries: If you engage in the intra-EU trade of goods with other European Union countries, you need an Italian VAT number for compliance with EU VAT regulations, such as Intrastat reporting.
Acquiring products from EU member countries: If you purchase goods from other EU member countries and import them into Italy for business purposes, you generally need an Italian VAT number to account for the import and potentially apply reverse charge VAT.
Engaging in distance sales to private consumers, such as online selling: If you sell goods remotely to private consumers in Italy, you need an Italian VAT number to comply with the distance selling thresholds and charge the appropriate VAT rate.
Quick navigation
VAT scope in Italy
VAT registration in Italy
VAT returns and refund in Italy
Italian reverse charge
Italian consignment or
call-off stock
Italian intrastat / EC sales list
Do you need a fiscal representative in Italy?
Non-EU businesses are required to appoint a fiscal representative in Italy for VAT purposes.
Global Trade Business provides a comprehensive suite of international VAT registration and returns services, which includes the provision of a fiscal representative to ensure compliance with tax obligations in foreign jurisdictions.