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Spanish Instrastat


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Spanish Intrastat is a reporting system that requires businesses to submit statistical data on the movement of goods between France and other EU member states, while the ESPL aims to ensure that businesses report more frequently when their trade activities reach a certain level. This helps maintain accurate and timely data collection for statistical and tax purposes.

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Spanish intrastat

Spanish Intrastat is a reporting system used to collect statistical data on the movement of goods between Spain and other EU member states. The purpose of Intrastat is to provide valuable information for statistical and economic analysis within the EU.

Businesses are required to fill the Spanish Intrastat return if they exceed specific thresholds for intra-EU trade. These thresholds are determined by the total value of goods dispatched (exports) and received (imports) between Spain and other EU countries within a calendar year.



Arrivals : 400,000€

Dispatches :400,000€â€‹â€‹â€‹

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VAT scope in Spain

VAT registration in Spain

VAT returns and refund in Spain

Spanish reverse charge

Spanish consignment or
call-off stock

Spanish intrastat / ESPL

When should Spanish Intrastat be filed?

The deadline for submitting these returns is the 12th day of the subsequent month.

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Spanish ESPL

When should it be filed?

Filing Frequency:

ESPL returns are typically filed on a quarterly basis in Spain

​(20th of the month following the reporting period)


Threshold for Increased Reporting:

If a relatively low threshold is surpassed during any quarter, businesses may be required to switch to more frequent reporting, such as monthly filings, from the subsequent period.

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